18 May 2024

Let There Be Light

Darkness and silence were all around. Absolutely nothing could be seen, not even a hand held in front of the face. Not a whisper could be heard.

Suddenly the silence was broken by a voice...

"Let there be light"

Immediately the darkness was melted away by light.

That was the beginning. Now many years have passed, and we come upon a lamp in a dark room. It is one of those old fashioned kerosene lamps. Once again nothing can be seen, nothing can be heard, but here again a voice is heard...

"You are the light of the world... let your light shine."

Photo by Cedrik Wesche on Unsplash

But the lamp chimney is covered in dust and soot. The holes in the collar are blocked resulting in a weak and smokey flame. In desperation the lamp cries...

"I'm trying!"

The voice comes again...

"My precious lamp, I did not tell you to make your light shine, but to let it shine."

"I am the light of the world. I am the source of your light. Just let me come in and shine through you. Let me clean your chimney of the dust and soot. Let me clean out the rubbish that is blocking the holes in your collar and preventing the oxygen from flowing in. I am your light. Let me change you. Let me shine through you." 

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

References: Genesis 1:3. Matthew 5:14-16.