09 October 2021


Why do bad things happen?  Why is there so much misery in the world?  Why do some people experience a lot of loss and sorrow in their lives and others not so much?  Why...?

These questions have weighed heavily on my mind over the last year.  I have been frustrated in being unable to find adequate answers to my questions.  I don't know why my brother died so suddenly at such a young age...  

There are a lot of things that I don't know, there are only a few things that I do.  I am sharing them here in the hopes that they may bring comfort to people who are suffering.

First, we all have the freedom of choice.

Second, no person is an island.  The choices that we make impact the lives of those around us.

Why doesn't God intervene?

Sometimes he does.  

  • He opened the earth to swallow up Korah, Dathan and Abiram when they rebelled.
  • He raised Dorcas from the dead so that she could continue her charitable work of clothing the poor.
  • He healed captain Naaman, a heathen Syrian, of leprosy.

Sometime he doesn't.

  • Lazarus died when Jesus could have healed him.
  • John the Baptist was beheaded.
  • Stephen was stoned to death.

What if God never intervened?  We would all be ignorant of God's character.  Not to mention that we would all be lost.

What if God always intervened and stopped bad things from happening?  We would all be ignorant of Satan's character and couldn't make an informed choice.

Why does God make the choices that He does?  We do not know.  We do not know the mind of God.  We cannot judge his choices. [This raises other questions around the purpose of prayer which will not be addressed at this time].

However, we do know that in heaven Lucifer challenged God.  The Bible says that there was war in heaven and Lucifer, now Satan, was thrown out with one third of the angels.

This war has continued on this earth.  It cost the life of Jesus.

In his life and death Jesus demonstrated that God was right.  His way was best - a kingdom of love, joy and peace which can only come through freedom of choice.

Satan doesn't want love.  He doesn't want choice.  He wants to rule by force.  He wants to take control.

God wants people to make informed decisions.  We can only make informed decisions when time and freedom have been given for the consequences of decisions to be played out.  Forced decisions made with insufficient information will be made from the motive of fear rather than love.  God wants us to choose Him from love, not fear.

Are these answers adequate for me?  I'm not sure.  Are they adequate for you?  I don't know.  At least this is a start. Perhaps this is where trust comes in.

Next time we will look at the interaction between Job and God when Job asked: "Why?"

Eventually, the war will be ended and the message will be proclaimed:

"Now God's home is with human beings!  He will live with them, and they shall be his people.  God himself will be with them, and he will be their God.  He will wipe away all tears from their eyes.  There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain.  The old things have disappeared." 

Revelation 21:3-4 GNT

ETA: You can share your remarks (comments) via Facebook or Instagram.  I would love to hear from you.